Fake news and online misinformation are an increasing, global and concrete challenge for the functioning of our democracies.
30 experts on media, journalism and ethics, citizenship and human rights will get together, learn from each other and discuss hot topics in an exchange of good practices. Be one of them!
This international workshop aims at evaluating the impact of fake news on our society, why misinformation is being spread, and what are the best strategies for assessing online news. It provides space for exchange of ideas about building resilience and helping people find quality information. This will also be an opportunity for cross-border networking within the framework of the platform “European Network for Non-violence and Dialogue”.
There is no participation fee, board and accommodation will be covered. Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 250 €.
Submit your application by 30 April: http://www.123formbuilder.com/form-3631818/Conference-Registration-Form