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Polarisation in schools

Polarisation in schools

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In PDCS, we have prepared new simulations designed for teachers and school principals (primary and secondary schools), especially in schools where polarization can be encountered more often. These can be, for example, ethnically and linguistically mixed schools, schools working with inclusion, or schools with large social or opinion-based diversities, or even activity or passivity within parents groups. The aim of the methodology is to understand the process of polarization in the classroom and at school on the basis of examples that are based on real situations and problems. It should also help to adopt third-party steps and processes on how to bring polarization under control, mitigate its negative effects and prepare depolarisation steps in divided class or school situations, or preventive measures that can reverse devastating forms of polarization and, or, in ideal case, to exploit its transformation potential.


ONDRUŠEK, Dušan a kolektív. 2020. Polarizácia na školách. Bratislava: PDCS, 2020. 100 s. ISBN 978-80-89563-56-2.


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